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26. 03. 2013


Belgrade, March 26, 2013 (Pregled) - Initial network that broadcasts digital signal from 15 transmitters in the coutry has been enabled with the support of the European Union. Culture and Media Minister Bratislav Petkovic said the law would guarantee the rights of broadcasters and create conditions for various forms of support in the transition period.

"Besides big technical, financial and administration problems we have been facing with, we are fighting against the time as well, as the deadine for finishing the process of digitalization is June 2015", said Rasim Ljajic, Minister of Telecommunications, at the event dedicated to digitalization process, organized by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Culture and Media Minister Bratislav Petkovic said at the event that this ministry had prepared the reform of media legislation and that the Draft Law on Electronic Media would soon see the light of day. Digital broadcasting will create conditions for application of a new model of meeting citizens' needs with regional and local TV programs of public service broadcasting, Petkovic said, adding that the law would provide for the rights of all current broadcasters, public as well as commercial.

Deputy Chairman of the RBA Council Goran Karadzic reminded that national broadcasters were facing the expiry of their broadcasting licenses in 2014, the extension of which would depend on the new Law on Electronic Communications. It is possible to extend the validity of broadcasting license to a maximum period of 10 years, which is the period considered necessary in Europe for the investment to pay off, Karadzic said.

According to him, the RBA has forwarded the letter to the Government of Serbia, requesting 20 percent decrease of broadcasting fees, in order to improve their position and enable the accumulation of funds to be able to pay their digital transition and survival on the market.

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