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05. 07. 2013


Belgrade, July 5, 2013 (Politika) - The delays in reforming media sector in Serbia and uncertain withdrawal of the state from media are jeopardizing public interest in the field of media, increase inequality of media companies and bring the very existence of independent and private media under question mark, it was concluded yesterday at the event debating the reform of public information.

President of the Association of Media (ASMEDI) Zoran Sekulic reminded on the fact that the adoption of new media laws by March this year had been foreseen back in 2011. The failure to do so has resulted in delaying the withdrawal of the state from ownership in media and uncertain beginning of financing media through projects.

According to Chief of OSCE Media Department Dragana Nikolic Solomon, the feet dragging in implementation of reforms is only increasing the agony of the Serbian media that has often resulted in their shutdown. She said that in conditions, under which the state was financing some media, the decline of certain independent media was inevitable, particularly those critically commenting on the social reality, due to which it was necessary to employ the project-financing model.

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