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16. 07. 2013


Belgrade, July 16, 2013 (Blic) - The RBA has published the criteria for evaluating applications of TV Kopernikus and TV Nova, competing for the national frequency license, formerly used by TV Avala.

The Agency has also released the information on the ownership structure of the two candidates for the national frequency, as recently requested by NUNS. According to the RBA, the owner of 100 percent of the capital in TV Nova is "nova.rs media holding". The majority owner of the holding, with 85.1 percent of shares, is a Dutch company BD Media Invest, while the owner of the company is also a Dutch company "New Amsterdam City Trust", with 99 and 1 percent of shares belonging to two German citizens, respectively. The lesser amount of shares in Nova.rs Media Holding belongs to the owner of a production company "Vision Team" Dragan Djurkovic with 7.9 percent, while the GMG Media Group owned by another German citizen owns 7 percent.

Owner of KCN (Kopernikus Cable Network) from Nis is Zvezdan Milovanovic, owning directly 47.71 percent of the capital, with another 47.59 percent through the company Tvinel. The remaining 4.7 percent belongs to Mitra Milovanovic.

As RBA said, the criteria for issuing a broadcasting license for national frequency are, among others, the business capacity of the candidates, audience share of the stations, experience in the broadcasting field, variety and quality of program and transparency in ownership structure and capital origin...

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