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13. 08. 2013

EU: Free frequencies to be used in digitalisation

Belgrade, August 13, 2013 (B92) - Charge d'Affaires of the EU Delegation, Adriano Martins called on the Serbian Ministry of Telecommunications about the digitalization process.

Charge d'affaires of the EU Delegation in Serbia Adriano Martins called on the Serbian Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications to use the free television channel frequencies for the completion of the digitalisation process.

In the letter sent to Minister of External and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic which Tanjug had a chance to see, Martins noted that the EU fully supports the Ministry's efforts in the digitalisation process and suggests that all free television channel frequencies should be used for the expansion of the initial network so as to test the digital signal. 

The lack of free frequencies has been the main concern since the beginning of the joint project of support to the digitalisation process, Martins said in the letter to Ljajic and added that now that it is clear the public call for permit issuance has failed, the EU believes that conditions have been met for frequencies to be used in the continuation of the digitalisation process. 

Martins recalled that the completion of digitalisation is Serbia's international obligation and one of the conditions for EU accession. 

He said that after the free frequencies are deployed in digitalisation, the remaining EUR 10.5 million worth of equipment which Serbia received as assistance from EU IPA funds should be installed so as to fulfil all the obligations which the Republic of Serbia has taken on in its contract with the EU.

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