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15. 08. 2013

Tijanic: RTS on Welfare

Belgrade, August 15, 2013 (NIN) - ''Since the subscription system has been ruined, it is better for the RTS to be funded from the state budget with the European monitoring system.''

Since the subscription system has been ruined, it is better for Serbian Radio and Television RTS to be funded from the state budget with the European monitoring system, RTS Director General, Aleksandar Tijanic, says in an interview to NIN magazine.

Tijanic says that another option is forRTS as a public service to declare bankruptcy in the early fall. "Right now, I cannot see how we can meet the next payroll. The government is giving us assistance in the amount of 1.7 million EUR a month, whereas our salaries total 2.6 million EUR (a month)," he adds.

Asked how and when RTS may repay the loan, he replies: "Never. Let (the Prime Minister Ivica) Dacic come and seize the cameras." "We could live on 80 million euros plus another 20 million from advertising. With a curtailed production and a social programme for about 1,000 people, we could even survive on 70 million, plus another 15 million from advertising," he says, referring to the company's annual expenses.

He notes that Serbia does not have this kind of money in the budget to spend on RTS and predicts that budget funding of RTS will "probably" be accompanied with some requests by whatever government may be in office.

He maintains, therefore, that legislation should be passed that would incorporate elements that would protect the security of the
company and ensure its stability.

Money must not come with any strings attached and its route must be transparent, he said.

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