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29. 08. 2013


Vrnjacka Banja, August 29, 2013 (B92) - Radio Television Vrnjacka Banja has not aired its news program for over a month now, as media staff has not been paid for several months.

They were last paid a minimum wage back in March this year and have been stripped off their health insurance since July 1, because of failure of the media to pay their taxes and contributions.

Mayor of Vrnjacka Banja Boban Djurovic said that the municipality had reduced the budget funds for public information, thus RTV Vrnjacka Banja had received lesser money than the last year.

RTV Vrnjacka Banja was auctioned off back in 2010 for 577 thousand dinars to Miodrag Radovic. At the time, the media outlet was employing 25 members of staff, counting only 10 workers today.

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