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06. 09. 2013

Progress in investigating the murder of Milan Pantic

Belgrade, September 6, 2013 (Vecernje novosti) - In the case of investigating the murder of journalist Milan Pantic, there is more relevant evidence of the killers and masterminds. The investigation gets more and more elements that strengthens the credibility of future indictment - it was concluded at the yesterday's meeting of the Commission for investigating the murders of journalists, who was working in extended composition, including the MSA Director Svetko Kovac and the special prosecutor Miljko Radisavljevic. The meeting was attended by leaders of research teams.

- Progress made by the investigating teams require wide participation of relevant institutions in order to find the facts necessary to indict, prosecute and punish the perpetrators and those ordering the murders, it was concluded at the meeting -Veran Matic, Chairman of the investigation of killings of journalists said, stressing that the best progress had been made in the murder case of journalist Milan Pantic.

According to him, new ways of investigation that have not been used before are opened in the case Curuvija.

- In the case of Dada Vujasinovic, the Commission asked credible global institutions to give expert opinion and it was informed that the Institute for Security from Wiesbaden had refused to participate in forensic ballistics testimony." The response of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation, who was also asked to help in this case, is expected -Matic said.

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