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14. 10. 2013


Belgrade, October 14, 2013 (B92) - The Government of Serbia has appointed Sasa Mirkovic the new assistant to culture and media minister.

Mirkovic has become Tasovac's assistant instead of Dragan Kolarevic.

As announced earlier, the first duty of the new assistant will be the conclusion of the work on the law on electronic media and public service broadcasters, as well as the speeding up of the process of digitalization.

As Danas reported, the plan of the Culture Minister Ivan Tasovac was to appoint an assistant who will be well familiar with the media regulation in Serbia and involved in the process of adoption of legislations regulating this sphere.

Sasa Mirkovic was the president and one of the founders of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) gathering more than a hundred radio and TV stations across Serbia.

He has also coordinated the Media Coalition, consisted of leading media and journalists' associations and has closely cooperated with the Association of Media (ASMEDI) in the Media Community.

As Media Coalition representative, Mirkovic participated in the work of the working group tasked to draft media laws.

He is author of a large number of articles in local and international publications and had taken active participation in many domestic and international conferences and events on topics related to the media scene and international relations.

Mirkovic is one of the founders of Radio B92 and had spent ten years as General Director of RTV B92 (1993 - 2003). He was also executive director, chair and member of the Managing Board, director of external communications and media operations, as well as director of B92 Trust.

Born in 1967, Mirkovic graduated at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade (international relations). He has a number of prestigious awards for bravery in journalism and promotion of human rights.

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