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14. 10. 2013


Belgrade, October 14, 2013 (Danas) - At the yesterday's session, the Serbian Government released from duty Dragan Kolarevic and appointed Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM president, as the new assistant to culture minister in charge of media.

"I accepted the offer of the Culture Minister Ivan Tasovac to join his team in the Ministry of Culture and Media because I felt their energy, dedication and desire for true and concrete change in the area of information", Mirkovic told the daily Danas in his first interview on new duty.

Mirkovic also said that, as the new assistant, he would focus on three media laws - Law on Public Information, Law on Electronic Media and the Law on Public Service Broadcasters. According to him, these laws should be adopted soon by the Parliament as part of the Action Plan of the Media Strategy, brought two years ago.

Mirkovic noted that the Ministry of Culture and Media was facing an important task - to finalize the work on the media laws and after a long time, create "better conditions for the functioning of media and journalists in Serbia".

"This will not be easy at all, but realistically, it is the only road we may take if we want to finish the necessary reforms that will result in fundamental improvement in the media sector", Mirkovic said.

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