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18. 10. 2013


Belgrade, October 18, 2013 (EurActiv, Beta) - There is no significant progress visible in implementation of the Media Strategy: some key issues related to media remain unresolved, while campaigns against certain persons and independent bodies in some tabloid newspapers still raise concern, it is stated in the annual report of the European Commission.

In the Report, released on October 16, it is stated that although changes made to the Law on Public Information prevent the state from establishing public companies in the media sector, additional measures are needed to fully implement the Media Strategy.

The Report also ascertains that legal solutions for public information and media, electronic media and public service broadcasters, have not yet been adopted.

Still not defined model of financing of two public service broadcasters, RTV and RTS, has made their survival uncertain, while there is a concern about the role of RTV in broadcasting of program in minority languages.

European Commission has expressed concern about the "reports on orchestrated and rather frequent campaigns in tabloid media against the opposition, coalition partners and independent bodies", about the violence against journalists as a significant factor of self-censorship, as well as about the procedure of appointing members to the Republic Broadcasting Agency.

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