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26. 09. 2013


Belgrade, September 26, 2013 (EurActiv, Beta) - Serbian Minister sinecure in charge of the European integration Branko Ruzic said that media laws were of crucial importance for opening of negotiations with EU and announced their adoption soon.

Speaking for the RTS, Ruzic said that media laws would not be adopted by the Serbian Parliament before October 16, when publishing of the report of the European Commission on the progress of Serbia in EU accession was expected.

In its annual report for 2012, the Commission stated that Serbia had met 82 out of 185 requirements, namely recommendations of the EC. One of the 29 recommendations still not met by Serbia is also the one for implementation of the Media Strategy and its Action Plan.

Based on the Strategy for media reform in Serbia, adopted by the Government of Serbia back in September 2011, the drafts of the laws on public information, electronic media and public service broadcasters have been prepared.

These drafts are to be adopted by the Government and then the Parliament.

The Media Strategy stipulates the obligation of the state to withdraw from ownership in media and end financing of media. The document also provides for transparent media ownership.

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