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23. 10. 2013


Belgrade, October 23, 2013 (B92, Tanjug) - The Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic signed today the Rulebook on Determining Frequency Allocation Plan.

This Rulebook refers to analog FM and TV stations broadcasting their program on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The application of the Rulebook should speed up the process of transition from analog to digital broadcasting of television signal in the Republic of Serbia and the removal of one of the biggest obstacles in the hitherto process of digitalization - the lack of free frequencies, it is said in the Ljajic's cabinet.

Specifically, this means that the part of frequencies formerly used for broadcasting of TV Avala program, which are needed in the process of digitalization, will be used for the expansion of the initial network for digital TV broadcasting of program, while the independent regulatory bodies will use the remaining part of the spectrum in line with their competences and existing legislation.

On the other hand, by signing the said Rulebook, conditions have been met for the use of the equipment for digital broadcasting of TV signal, obtained with the grants of the European Union and worth over eight million of Euros.

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