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04. 11. 2013


Pirot, November 4, 2013 (Blic - Serbia) - The TV Pirot journalist, chief editor and director Dragana Pavlov Krstic died aged 55.
Pavlov Krstic started working as a journalist in the Pirot-based "Tigar" factory edition back in 1983, after which she worked in the municipal newspaper "Tribina" in Trstenik. She was a journalist, editor and responsible editor in RTV Trstenik for a full decade. She had worked for RTV Pirot since its establishment in 1999.
Pavlov Krstic was a responsible editor, editor of documentary program, journalist editor and in the last year, chief editor and director of TV station. She will be remembered for a large number of programs, such as "Homo Politicus" and "U fokusu", as well as for a number of documentaries. She was awarded journalist at domestic and international festivals.

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