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04. 11. 2013


Belgrade, November 4, 2013 (Pregled, Tanjug) - There are no technical obstacles that may hinder the process of transition from analog to digital broadcasting of TV program, the State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Telecommunications Stefan Lazarevic said yesterday.
Speaking for the RTS News, Lazarevic said that the initial network would be extended with the frequency of TV Avala, reminding that the airing would be done from 35 locations.
He also said the Ministry had adopted the Rulebook for Allocation of Frequencies, with which the conditions for fast and effective termination of process of digitalization were provided.
"The transition process will not happen in one day. We will make a projection, together with national, regional and local media, as well as media associations, for how long this simulcast should last", Lazarevic explained.

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