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14. 12. 2013

Young people dissatisfied by the quality of media

Belgrade, December 14, 2013 (Beta) Research encompassing 2500 high school respondents showed that young people were dissatisfied by the quality of media. In the research, they are neither independent media in Serbia nor those who could publish "absolutely everything". 

High school students from entire Serbia, respondents of research done in October and November by the Media coalition and within the "Campaign for media literacy", think they are capable of recognizing manipulation and that media influence others' way of thinking in their surroundings, but that personally they are immune to their influence.

According to the survey results, 79 percent of high school students do not watch "reality" programs, overall influence of media is estimated as relatively low, and the most influential among the media is Internet, social networks and TV, while they inform themselves less through weekly magazines and radio outlets.

The respondents notice a negative influence of media on young people, especially because of the significance given to "starlets". In addition, they are dissatisfied with the way media present them, as the accent is on negative and not positive examples.

Vice President of the Independent Serbian Association of journalists Dragan Janjic said at the panel "The power of media and young people" it was important for young generations to learn more on media and realize its manipulative power especially in Serbia which "cannot  boast of the order" in media scene.

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