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19. 11. 2013

Regional Media Project Introduced

Belgrade, November 19, 2013 (Danas) - A Council of Europe project  "Improving the Freedom of Expression and Information and the Freedom of the Media in Southeast Europe", which will take place from 2 September 2013 to 28 February 2015, was  presented in Belgrade today. Project manager Lejla Dervišagic stated that this is a regional project funded by the Norwegian government, and includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia with Kosovo. She said that for each of the countries participating in the project activities are planned depending on the needs of the country, or respectively what the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU) have identified as needs of the country.

She pointed out that it is expected that in the framework of these regional activities exchanges will take place of positive and negative practices of countries in the region and possibly solutions will be  found for issues and questions that they are facing.

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