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21. 11. 2013

World Television Day

Novi Sad, November 21, 2013 ( NDNV ) - At the recommendations of the UN, the World Television Day is celebrated globally by program exchange, with emphasis on topics which encourage cultural exchange, promote peace, tolerance, safety , social and economic development .

Broadcasters are invited this year to broadcast a short video that emphasizes the role of TV : to inform , educate and entertain. The video features people of all ages and nationalities who watch television content on different devices .

Electronic media in Europe, Asia , Canada , the USA and Australia participate in observing of this day, and it is expected that the video will be shown in more than 20 countries.

Television remains the most reliable and most popular medium for news, sports , culture and entertainment, said UN Secretary - General Ban Ki -moon , adding that television brings the world in living rooms, and that the quality of programming teaches understanding of differences around the world.

Radio Television Serbia has for past seven years marked  the World Television Day by public events initiated and organized by the History Department, with support of RTS staff.

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