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21. 11. 2013

Too Much Sensationalism

Belgrade, November 21, 2013. (Tanjug) - The Belgrade media during the last two months have slightly increased their reporting on corruption in Serbia, but it is still sensationalist, only informative and is lacking analysis and investigations - is the conclusion of the study of media reporting on corruption conducted by the Bureau of Social Research ( BIRODI ) .

According to the research, which was presented in Belgrade today, in September and October Radio Television Serbia , Pink, First , B92 , Sky Plus Info and Television Vojvodina broadcasted 251 news item dealing with corruption, while on the same topic there were 952 articles published in newspapers Politika, Blic, Kurir, Vecernje Novosti, Informer, and Nase Novine .

According to the leading BIRODI analyst Zoran Gavrilovic, TV Sky Plus Info with 68 news items and daily "Politika" with 166 articles reported on corruption the mostly. "Tendency of reporting on corruption in a sensationalist manner as opposed to a comprehensive analytical and investigative journalism is continuing to some extent," said Gavrilovic .

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