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21. 11. 2013

Impermissible Media Commentary on Court Verdict

Belgrade, November 21, 2013. ( Beta ) - The Belgrade Court of Appeals President Dusko Milenkovic said on Thursday that it is impermissible that the media comments on the verdicts for members of the KLA "Gnjilane group," and the votes of members of the (court) council, because the ruling is not known to the public, the procedure is still under deliberation and vote, and is protected by secrecy .

"Conducting of the so-called 'parallel court proceedings' by the media is not only dangerous because of misleading the public about the progress of the proceedings but also represents an attack on one of the pillars of any state - the judiciary, and creates a sense of insecurity and helplessness of every citizen who is familiar with the message sent by such an article, " stated judge Milenkovic.

He said that he does not interfere with the right of journalists to, after the completion of the proceeding and the final decision, familiarize themselves with the verdict and inform the public about the details of the work of the Court of Appeals and other courts in Serbia .

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