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20. 11. 2013

Media Laws in Early 2014

Belgrade, November 20, 2013 ( Danas ) - After a conducted public hearing, last week work began of the  expert working group of the Ministry of Culture and Information for the draft Law on Broadcasting and the draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters.

Members of the working group are independent media expert Sasa Gajin , RBA President Bishop Porfirije, George Vlajić representing RTS , Siniša Isakov representing RTV , and Sasa Mirkovic Assistant Minister of Culture.

"It is expected that in the next two to three weeks working group will finalize the work and prepare the text that could during December be referred for the opinions to relevant ministries. Therefore, it is expected that these two laws be forwarded  to the Government of Serbia in the first quarter of 2014. while the new Law on Public Information will be before the Government by the end of this year," said for "Danas" Sasa Mirkovic, president of the working group .

According to him, the task of the working group is to consider the objections, proposals  and suggestions made ​​during the public hearings on the draft of the two media laws and to provide explanation for what is adopted and rejected. "The working group session are held daily to, as soon as possible, analyze the received material that numbers about 400 pages. Two -thirds of the proposals relating to the draft Law on Broadcasting, while one-third to the draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters," explained Mirkovic.

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