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03. 01. 2014


Belgrade, January 3, 2014 (Tanjug, RTV) - Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Sasa Mirkovic said today that the Public Information Law should make possible the withdrawal of state ownership from all media.

Mirkovic said in the Morning program of TV Pink, referring to the set of laws on public information and media , the Electronic Media Law and the Law on Public Service Media, pointed out that the Law on Public Information has not been passed in the past 11 years.

"What already exists in some legal provisions, and unfortunately is not implemented, should have been confirmed, before all the necessity of the withdrawal of state ownership from all media, of course, it cannot be expected to happen overnight, "said Mirkovic.

He expressed the hope "that in the near future a model will be found for financing of public service broadcasters that would be sustainable and that could work in the long run, so that the present one is considered only as a temporary solution."

Speaking about project financing, Mirkovic explained that existing funds allocated to a small number of media outlets, will be redirected to a much larger number of media outlets.

He added that two and a half years ago the government adopted the Media Strategy on passing laws that were a prerequisite for better functioning of the media and a prerequisite for the creation of a legislative framework that would let everyone in the media market have fair and equal conditions.

Mirkovic cited  the example of "Radio Srbobran", which is an  example in an multi-ethnic environment of how it is possible to carry out a privatization, and have the media outlet operate on the market.

He said that there are about 1,000 registered media outlets in Serbia and that a figure of about 1,300 media outlets is mentioned, while there are approximately 450 radio and television stations.

"Of that number less than 10 percent of the media outlets are not privately owned," Mirkovic said, adding that it is important to make equal conditions for those 90 percent with the 10 percent.

"Many of those who managed to survive in a very difficult period, perhaps in the future will have to find a way to do it ," Mirkovic said.

Asked by reporters whether there is a need a new television station, Mirkovic said that the RBA Council decide on that.

Mirkovic said the 2015 is the deadline for everyone in Serbia to be able to receive a digital signal, which is an increase in quality, making it possible to follow a larger number of programs.

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