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03. 02. 2014

Licenses extended for all national broadcasters

Belgrade, 03.02.2014 (Danas) - In the last month, The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) extended the broadcasting licenses for national frequencies for another eight years to broadcasters which obtained the licenses in 2006. These broadcasters are TV B92, TV Pink, TV Happy, TV Prva and all national radio stations, RBA said to Danas .
Deputy Chairman of the RBA Council Goran Karadzic told Danas that due to the extention of licences there will be no competition for national broadcasters until the digitization process in Serbia is completed. "Once digitization is completed and when we saw how many places there will be in the multiplex, we will announce a competition for national broadcasters , and many more will be able to obtain licences. Now we just renewed analogue licenses to broadcasters. The licences will be automatically converted to access permits to the multiplex after digitization", explained Karadzic.

He pointed out that the RBA will on Wednesday , 5 February, at 1 pm, decide on which broadcaster will be issued national frequency in the current competition - whether TV Nova or TV Kopernikus, the only two television stations that applied in the competition. 

The licences of TV Pink, B92, TV Prva and TV Happy are valid until the beginning of August this year, but the law allows that they be extended for six months before expiration.


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