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24. 02. 2014


24. 02. 2014 (Tanjug, B92) - Deputy Chairman of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Council Goran Karadzic said that this body will consider today the objection by the Delta company against the content of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) commercial.

"During the campaign we are in permanent session; since the announcement of the elections we opened the session and it will be closed after the electoral process, so that we can formally and legally respond with maximum speed and efficiency," said Karadzic.

Delta Holding Company said in today's statement that in the pre-election video (commercial) of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) its name was exploited in a negative context and it asked the competent authorities to immediately take action and protect the company.

Vice President of SNS Nebojsa Stefanovic said that he would not be surprised if SNS commercials are banned again as in the 2012 election campaign.

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