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24. 02. 2014


24. 02. 2014 (Akter, Tanjug) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Council recommended to the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) to withdraw within the statutory period of 48 hours a campaign commercial featuring several business associations and companies, among which is the Delta Holding company.

"In order to avoid a violation of the election campaign and therefore unequal representation, the RBA Council thinks that the withdrawal of the controversial commercial from broadcasting by the Serbian Progressive Party should be done as soon as possible, and in no longer than 48 hours, as required by law ", the statement cites.

The RBA Council noted that at present there is unequal representation of electoral lists on the programs of national broadcasters and called on the broadcasters to correct deficiencies and ensure equal representation until the end of the election cycle.

The report on the representation of electoral lists for the period 29 January to 12 February will be published on the RBA's web site, announced this institution.

The Delta Holding company said yesterday that in the pre-election commercial of SNS its name was exploited in a negative context and it asked the competent authorities to immediately take action and protect the company.

Vice President of SNS Nebojsa Stefanovic said that he would not be surprised if SNS commercials are banned again, as in the 2012 election campaign, and said that it is obvious that the coupling of (Delta Holding owner) Miroslav Miskovic and political moguls is stronger than previously thought.

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