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04. 03. 2014


4.3.2014 (Danas; By B.C.) - Unlike during the first three weeks of the election campaign, in the fourth week all parties and coalitions finished collecting signatures and submitting lists and they intensified their activities.

This reflected on the media coverage, with the drastically diminishing difference between the most represented and the most active party in broadcast media - Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and other political options, said Ilija Vucevic from the media analysis agency ‘Kliping' for "Danas".

According to the data that ‘Kliping' obtained, SNS holds the first place when it comes to representation in the programs of national televisions, with 3.879 seconds, followed by the coalition SPS-PUPS-JS (1.635 seconds), Democratic Party (1.228 seconds), Democratic Party of Serbia (1.073 seconds) and Liberal-Democratic Party (1.045 seconds).

"Monitoring individual TV stations, equal and balanced reporting can be observed. The national public service broadcaster has given a negligibly larger space to the ruling parties, while TV Pink, TV Prva and TV B92 gave considerably more seconds to SNS", Vucevic explained.

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