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26. 02. 2014


26. 02. 2014 (RTV) - The Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) today again urged the broadcasters to comply with the law and provide balanced representation of all electoral lists in their programs. It cautioned television Palma from Jagodina that in more than 80 percent of its program only one electoral list is present - SPS - PUPS - JS.

Deputy Chairman of the RBA Goran Karadzic told Beta news agency that the director of Television Palma Zoran Jeremic was warned today that more than 80 percent of TV Palma program presents only one electoral list and everyone else is presented in the remaining 20 percent.

"He was asked to respond swiftly and to correct such a huge difference. We received assurances that TV Palma will try to fix these percentages. We hope it will succeed because this television station in two previous election cycles was first warned and then warned publicly for the same reasons - the excessive presence of one electoral list - SPS - PUPS - JS ", Karadzic said.

Concerning the appeal of (electoral list ) Dveri, which was taken under consideration at today's session of the RBA Council, Karadzic said that, based on the data by the monitoring service on the presence of electoral list in broadcasted program, it was evident that Dveri have by far the lowest percentage.

"We have appealed to broadcasters at the previous session, and we asked them again today to comply with the law and secure balanced representation of electoral lists in their programs. I think a (positive) step was made from the previous session and the electoral list Dveri is increasingly present in the media," said Karadzic.

He stated that the RBA Council insists that broadcasters fully respect their obligations and to maximally balance their program in accordance with the law.

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