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18. 03. 2014


18.3.2014 (Tanjug, Blic) - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) and the organization of music authors of Serbia (SOKOJ) reached an agreement on the Protocol on Cooperation, which will, as ANEM stated today, provide broadcasters with significant discounts and benefits for the usage of music copyright works.

According to the ANEM statement, all radio and TV stations which pay minimal fee will be able to use the agreed discounts and benefits under the same conditions. The Protocol also regulates the issue of settling the debts accumulated so far.

As a representative association of broadcasters - users of copyright music works, ANEM pointed out that the Protocol envisages the establishment of a joint expert committee consisting of of representatives of ANEM and SOKOJ, whose task is to prepare the conditions for starting new tariff negotiations.

To that end, SOKOJ will, without delay, and upon receiving the opinion of the expert committee that the conditions are in place for the tariff negotiations to lead to an agreement, issue a public call in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia and thus formally initiate the procedure for leading the negotiations, envisaged by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.

According to the ANEM statement, the Protocol on Cooperation will be implemented until reaching of the Agreement on tariff of fees to be paid for the use of music repertoire of SOKOJ.

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