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04. 04. 2014


4.4.2014 (NUNS) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) announced today its participation in the project "Strengthening Media Freedom in Serbia" which will strengthen its capacities and improve its knowledge related to the implementation of European regulation in the Serbian media legislation.

The Agency will particularly deal with the protection of minors, European audio-visual works, and advertising.

The project "Strengthening Media Freedom in Serbia", which will last until October 2015, is financed by the European Union within the national IPA programme for Serbia.

The mail goal of the project is harmonization of the legal framework with European standards and the implementation of the media strategy, as well as strengthening the capacities of the final project beneficiaries, including RBA.

The project will also manage the implementation of grants awarded to Serbian media, aimed at the promotion and improvement of investigative journalism dealing with the rule of law.

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