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05. 04. 2014


7.4.2014. (Danas, Beta) - The Constitutional Court found unconstitutional the provisions of an article of the Law on Cinematography, which stipulate that money to foster the development of cinematography is to be provided by taking funds from the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) and the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL), it is published on the Court website.

The law stipulates that funds for fostering domestic cinematography be provided from the following sources: from the budget; by collecting 1.5 percent of the monthly subscription to Radio-Television of Serbia; 20 percent of the funds collected by RBA; and 10 percent of the funds collected by RATEL. The initiative for assessing the constitutionality of these provisions was submitted by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) and RATEL. ANEM submitted the initiative to the Constitutional Court on 30 May 2012 stating that the contested provisions are in direct collision with existing regulations in the field of broadcasting and with the media strategy, and that their implementation could have a drastic adverse effect on the functioning of the broadcasting and electronic communications sectors in Serbia.

- Contested provisions of this law stipulate that fostering of the development of cinematography is, among other sources, secured by taking funds that RBA and RATEL collect from broadcasters and telecommunications operators and which represent a guarantee of financial independence of sectoral regulators - ANEM stated.

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