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08. 04. 2014


08. 04. 2014 (Večernje Novosti) - To complete the television signal digitalization the state will need at least additional 30 million Euros, but most citizens need not worry as digitalization will not cost them anything.

All those who already have a cable connection, use satellite television, or IPTV, which is about 60 percent of households, can leave the worrying about digitalization to operators, who will adjust the signal so that it can be received by all types of TV sets.

The cost for the modern signal will generally be endured by the poorest, the rural households, which continue to rely on the indoor or rooftop antenna. If they do not want "snow" on their screens, they will have to buy set-top boxes or new TV sets, which is a much more expensive option.

Many years ago, when the work on digitalization started, the state promised that it would help the poorest and that it will co-finance the purchase of needed receivers. The decision has not been made, but the funds could be allocated from next year`s budget.

- The digitalization process was found to be in very poor state and was revived in 2012, the year which the previous government has set as deadline for the work to be completed. When The Ministry of Trade and Telecommunications was established, we found that work was six years late, without a single completed project.

We had to make up this during two and a half years - explains for "Novosti" Stefan Lazarević, state secretary in this ministry. - According to earlier estimates, 75 million Euros is required for the completion of work. We have revised the plans and reduced costs to 36, and then further to 30.7 million Euros. We will provide these funds with a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the negotiations are already ongoing.

The money will mainly be spent on the restoration of broadcasting sites in Serbia. With money from IPA funds equipment was obtained for 20 restored sites, many of which were damaged during the NATO bombing. For some 50 more locations funds have been secured from the state budget, and the same number of locations will be reconstructed from the loan, from which technical equipment will also be purchased.

- A tender procedure is being prepared. All the activities are being conducted by the Public Company "Broadcasting Equipment and Links," with the Ministry providing support - explains Lazarević.

- Along with the loan and tenders, we are waiting for the adoption of the Law on Broadcast Media. To finish all before the deadline, these tasks have to be completed by in July, or by August at the latest.

The Law on Broadcast Media should be adopted as part of a package of media laws. It is not known when this could take place.

- The bill is being reviewed in Brussels. We are waiting for their suggestions, after which the document will be sent to the Government of Serbia, and then to the National Assembly of Serbia for adoption - explains Saša Mirković, state secretary in charge of media at the Ministry of Culture and Media.

He says that the response from Brussels should arrive this month, and that during the next few months the bill could be passed.

Deadline - June 2015

Digital television, in an experimental version, already can be seen on 75 percent of the territory of Serbia, but there are very few households that have special TV sets or receivers. By 17 June 2014, 95 percent of Serbia will have to be covered by digital TV signal because we gave a pledge to the European Union. By then all countries in the region will be digitized, and their signals would override ours, if we are late with this task.


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