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15. 04. 2014


15.4.2014 (Blic; By L.Gedošević) - Yesterday's session of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Council, in which complaints of televisions ‘Nova' and ‘Kopernikus' to the competition for allocation of national frequency were to be discussed, was postponed due to the illness of the RBA president bishop Porfirije.

As the RBA deputy president Goran Karadžić announced, new session will be held by April 23, when the legal deadline for discussing the complaints of the two televisions expires. The RBA Council did not allocate the frequency in the past two sessions.

If one or both complaints are adopted, the Council will vote again whether and to which television the frequency will be allocated, Karadžić said for "Blic".

In the case that both complaints are rejected, the competition procedure will be thus completed as far as RBA is concerned, and "Nova" and "Kopernikus" have a right to complain to the Administrative Court if they consider their rights violated.

If the frequency is not allocated once again, RBA will talk to other state bodies, such as the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL) and the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, in order to assess if it is purposeful to call the competition for the third time - Karadžić said.

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