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29. 04. 2014


Cavtat, 29. 04. 2014 (Tanjug , RTV) - Director of The Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL) Milan Janković said today in Cavtat that the transition from analogue to digital technology in Serbia could take place earlier than foreseen by deadlines.

While taking part in the regional conference on telecommunications, media, and technology "Telekom Arena 2014," he noted that by the end of next month RATEL will conclude consultations and make available the digital dividend distribution plan. In this way RATEL would be ready, if the state decides so, to initiate the process, and by the end of the year to conduct a public auction for the use of digital frequencies.

Janković said that the deadline for the transition is mid-June 2015, but he expects that it will take place earlier.

Speaking about the current situation in Serbia, he explained that the Electronic Communications Act is harmonized, and that he expects that in the coming period, given the expected first EU screening, we will receive new instructions.

Janković is pleased that RATEL, although Serbia is only a EU candidate country, now has the opportunity to participate in the (work of the) European regulators' body, which, he said, is of great assistance in future decision making regarding both (public) information and the activities.

"We have implemented all that the current law prescribes so that operators have a predictable business environment," he said.

Janković said that Serbia, with the population of 7.2 million, has a revenue of 1.55 billion EUR from all telecommunication services, which is about five per cent of the gross domestic product.

Investments in this sector, he pointed out, amount annually to between 200 and 300 million EUR, and so far the three biggest investments were in the telecommunications sector.

The sector is relatively stable, despite all earlier measures, said Janković.

Speaking about various telecommunication areas, he said that fixed telephony penetration is above 42 percent, mobile telephony penetration is as high as 130 percent, with an increase of postpaid subscribers.

Janković further stated that there is a large number of cable operators, and that he hopes that digitization will bring consolidation.

"The distinguishing feature of the Serbian broadcasting is that we have more than 110 television and 300 radio stations. Digitization will encourage the reduction of these numbers and the consolidation of stations because so many stations exist only in Serbia," he said.

Director of the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK ) of Macedonia Robert Ordanoski pointed out that in this country, in the mobile telephony sector a seasonal effect is evident, and that during each third quarter, when a lot of people from abroad visit the country, the largest mobile telephony use is documented.

He said that that country has three operators and 2.3 million mobile devices for 2 million inhabitants.

Mobile traffic is growing in Macedonia, emphasized Ordanoski.

He said that after solving the problem in the mobile sector, AEK has decided to focus on the fixed Internet.

He also pointed out that last month the Law on Electronic Communications was passed incorporating recommendations of the European Commission. Thus the Agency received greater competencies in the allocation of frequencies and it will be the place where all issues can be resolved.

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