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03. 05. 2014


03. 05. 2014 (B92 , Tanjug) - World Press Freedom Day - 3rd May is observed today.

Journalists' associations and trade unions called on all colleagues to interrupt broadcasting of program between 11.55 a.m. and noon, to mute the sound and darken screens and demonstrate that they are ready to fight for the freedom of the journalism profession.

They called on the authorities to enable free work of journalists, without pressure and censorship, warning that journalism has never been in a more difficult economic situation.

Journalists' associations asked the authorities to finally find the killers of their colleagues Slavko Ćuruvija , Milan Pantić, and Dada Vujasinović.

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) announced that media freedom in Serbia is endangered because journalism has never been in a worse economic position.

Serbia's progress in international rankings of political and media freedom (Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders) masks the financial misery of journalists who have fallen to the bottom of the pay scale, although they fall in the category of the most educated employees," UNS stated on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day.

The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) and the Trade Union "Nezavisnost" urged the government and authorities to provide conditions for free work, without pressure and censorship, for journalists and the media.

NUNS and "Nezavisnost" demand from media owners the improvement of "degrading working conditions of employees."

The Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection Rodoljub Šabić congratulated the World Press Freedom Day to journalists in Serbia, and said that the authorities have an obligation to provide a lot more information in the most appropriate manner to the public. He also said that the proclaimed principles regarding the transparency of the work of the authorities must not remain only on paper.

Šabić also pointed out that personal safety of journalists must be a great, undeniable obligation of the state.

European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) urged European policy makers and national governments to make greater efforts to guarantee media freedom and the promotion of media pluralism and to specifically counter the troubling trend of erosion of media freedom in Europe.

Reporters Without Borders, on May 3, the World Press Freedom Day, announced the list of 100 Information Heroes which includes TV B92 journalist Brankica Stanković.

OSCE: Important Role of Journalists in the Development of Democracy

OSCE Media Freedom Representative Dunja Mijatović, on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, paid respect to journalists world-wide and emphasized their important role in the development of democracy.

"World Press Freedom Day serves us to remember the importance of media freedom and the fundamental role that media have in civil society," she noted in a statement.

Mijatović added that it is the day to pay tribute to journalists who work under increasingly difficult conditions around the world.

She also expressed deep concern about the continuing and worsening trends regarding the security of journalists worldwide, with special emphasis on the situation in Ukraine.

"The crisis in Ukraine and other conflict zones causes concern for the safety of journalists and it is necessary to cease attacks, intimidation, arrests, and detention of media professionals", emphasized Mijatović.

International organizations, according to her, must join forces in pressuring governments to ensure the safety of journalists.

The Office of the OSCE Representative on the Freedom of the Media released today the second edition of the manual for safety of journalists.

Ban: Journalists Persecuted Because of Unpleasant Truths

Media freedom is one of the basic human rights that is essential for the survival of democracy, said the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, warning that journalists are persecuted, imprisoned, and often killed.

"Media Freedom is crucial for the survival of democracy ... freedom of expression, independent media, and universal access to knowledge will strengthen our efforts to achieve lasting results for the people and the planet," said Ban Ki-moon.

He warned that journalists continue to be abducted, arrested, beaten, and killed because they speak or write about "unpleasant truths," says the UN website.

Such treatment of journalists is unacceptable in a world that is more than ever dependent on global news media and journalists who work for them," said the UN Secretary-General.

"On this World Press Freedom Day, I urge all governments, companies, and individuals to actively defend this basic human right," Ban Ki-moon said.

He recalled that last year 70 journalists were killed, many of whom have lost their lives in areas of armed conflict. This year, the same fate has befallen 14 journalists.

"211 journalists died in prisons last year, and 456 were exiled since 2008, and as of 1992 more than 1000 journalists were killed - almost one journalist each week," said Ban.

"These are disturbing figures. Behind every such statistic are women or men who are simply doing their legitimate work," he said and pointed out that "there must be no impunity for those who obstruct or undermine their work by violence, intimidation, or distortion of judicial procedures."

According to him, "the fundamental freedom to receive and convey information through media is threatened every day of the year."

The UN Assembly declared World Press Freedom Day on 3rd May 1993, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Davenport: Independent Media Key Factor of Democracy

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said today that independent media are one of the key elements of democracy, and that attempts to limit media freedom are unacceptable.

"The independent media are one of the key elements of democracy and the foundation of social dialogue," said Davenport on his Twitter account on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, which is marked today.

"Any attempt to limit or prevent media freedom or the expression of critical opinions on any social topic is unacceptable," he said.

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