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04. 06. 2014

Peščanik website "came under DDoS attack"

Belgrade, 4.6.2014. (Danas, Tanjug, B92) - The website Peščanik.net was attacked "from thousands of IP addresses around the world in order to bring it down," the daily Danas says.

The Belgrade-based newspaper said it was citing police sources.

According to this, the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack was done via a botnet - a network of infected computers around the world activated by one computer.

"It could be that even your computer was used in the attack without you even knowing. It will be difficult to investigate," the source said.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić said on Tuesday that the source of the attack had been established and that the state had had no part in that.

The prime minister said that the state would investigate all such cases and disclose who was behind them.

"When the investigation is done, the public will be fully informed about that," Vučić said.

On Wednesday, Police Director Milorad Veljović that police was working to find the person who attacked the website and expected results in the coming days, but that he did not wish to reveal any other details at this time. Once the police have all the facts, the public will be informed, he said.


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