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09. 06. 2014

Ćuruvija Foundation welcomes indictment

9.6.2014. (Tanjug; B92) - The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation welcomed Organized Crime Prosecution's decision to indict suspects for the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija.

The foundation supported the work of the Commission for Investigating Murders of Journalists, the Organized Crime Prosecutor's Office and the other competent institutions in this field.

"It is certain that light will be shed on the circumstances of this murder, and the murders of Dada Vujasinović and Milan Pantić, and particularly the names of masterminds and motives of these heinous crimes will be disclosed to bring satisfaction to families, friends and colleagues of the killed journalists, and also ensure better understanding of the iniquitous links between politics and crime that led to the murders," the foundation said in a statement, and added:

"However, it is particularly important that the state should do all in its power to prevent this from happening again."

Journalism in Serbia is still a high-risk profession, reads the statement, adding that there are four journalists in Serbia who have been living for years with 24-hour police protection and in fear of threats.

The foundation underlined that it was "only through establishment of stable and independent institutions that security for journalists and all citizens can be ensured."



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