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11. 06. 2014


09. 06. 2014 (Beta, B92) - The editor of the web portal "Peščanik" Svetlana Lukić said that massive attacks against the website have continued for nine days and that Serbia is not a free and democratic country.

"It's fine that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has preliminary results from the investigation into the attacks against "Peščanik," but I do not have that information. It is day nine and attacks against the website "Peščanik" remain massive. It should be said that a lot of money, effort and knowledge was invested in those efforts," said Svetlana Lukić for Radio Television Vojvodina.

She said that there is censorship in Serbia and that media freedom is threatened, and that space and mechanisms for this were created by the previous government, while that the current government took advantage of it.

"Now the citizens raised their voices, primarily on the Internet and social networks, as they have realized that they cannot trust the opposition parties, which were compromised in recent years," said Svetlana Lukić.

The website "Peščanik" was blocked because it published an article about the doctoral thesis of the Police Minister Nebojša Stefanović, for which the article authors claim is plagiarized.

"The results of this article should have been, of course, the resignation of the police minister, but also the reaction by the academic community and the review of problems of higher education in Serbia, where (University) Megatrend is just the tip of the iceberg," said Svetlana Lukić.

Answering the question of how she understands the story about the conspiracy against the government and the Prime Minister personally, Svetlana Lukic said that as a journalist she cannot understand it.

"But as a citizen, I get anxious when I listen to this. Because if we start talking about a conspiracy involving the international community, great powers, civil society, then we have serious political pathology at work," said Svetlana Lukić.

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