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18. 06. 2014

Minister backs establishment of parliamentary TV channel

Belgrade, 18.6.2014. (Tanjug) - Serbia's Minister of Culture and Information Ivan Tasovac on Wednesday backed the establishment of a parliamentary television channel that would contribute to keeping the citizens well-informed, but noted that the technical capabilities and the funding required are in doubt.

"The ministry supports the establishment of a parliamentary channel, but I will not surprise you if I ask whether the technical capabilities are there for introducing a parliamentary channel, who its founder would be and how it would be funded," Tasovac said at a conference titled Broadcasts of parliamentary proceedings, held in the Serbian parliament building.

Tasovac said that he expects the three bills that will regulate Serbia's media sector to be tabled to the parliament soon.

The conference was organised in collaboration with the Greek parliament as part of an EU twinning project aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the Serbian parliament in the process of European integrations.

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