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28. 07. 2014

Committee on information adopts draft media laws

Belgrade, 28.7.2014 (Tanjug) - The Culture and Information Committee of the Serbian National Assembly proposed to the parliament on Monday to adopt the set of media laws, and Minister of Culture and Information Ivan Tasovac said that key changes the documents introduce in the area comprise the obligation for the government to withdraw from media ownership structures by July 2015 at the latest.

Tasovac underscored that other important changes comprise protection of transparency for the media ownership structure, definition of public interests and protection of media pluralism.

Addressing the Committee, the minister delivered a detailed elaboration of the draft law on public information, draft law on electronic media and draft law on public service broadcasters which the government filed for adoption on urgent procedure since, as the proponent stated in the elaboration, these laws should set up the necessary legal framework for providing better information services to the citizens and regulating the media sector in keeping with the practice of EU countries.

The draft laws will be included in the agenda of the extraordinary session of the Serbian parliament due to begin on Tuesday.

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