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15. 08. 2014


Belgrade/Brussels, 15.8.2014 (Beta, B92) - Withdrawal of the state from media ownership and prevention of threats and violence to journalists were emphasized in the report of the European Commission on the screening of Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights.

Screenings for this chapter were held and the report was produced before the adoption of new media laws which came into force on August 13 and which stipulate the withdrawal of the state from media ownership and the introduction of project-based financing.

The request to Serbia is to devise a way by formulating action plans to guarantee protection of journalists from threats and violence, particularly through efficient investigations and strict punishments which would discourage potential perpetrators.

As it is pointed out in the report, it is also necessary to implement urgent measures to stop leaking of information to media on criminal investigations which are ongoing or are planned.

The report also covers judiciary and the protection of human and minority rights, the topical areas also comprised by Chapter 23. The report was published on the website of the European Commission, but the final report with the conclusion of member countries whether the country is ready for opening the chapter has not been published yet. For now, the procedure for opening chapter 32 on financial control has been initiated, although the date of opening this chapter has not been established yet, and the screening meetings were held for more than a half of the chapters.

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