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22. 08. 2014


22.8.2014 (KiM Radio) - After their meeting and coversation in Kosovo Polje, Minister of Community and Return Dalibor Jevtić and the Ambassdor of OSCE in Kosovo Jean-Claude Schlumberger asked that the case of disappearance of Serbian journalists Đuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić be solved.

Dalibor Jevtić stressed that the building of mutual trust of citizens and institutions is impossible until crimes committed in Kosovo are solved. On the ocassion of disappearance of the journalists in the municipality of Orahovac, Jevtić said that the media have an important role in the society and that their representatives must be protected.

„I always support full freedom of the media in their work. Finding perpetrators or getting an answer to what happened with journalists who disappeared 16 years ago will contribute not only to justice and truth, but also to the protection of journalism profession", Jevtić said.

the Ambassdor of OSCE in Kosovo Jean-Claude Schlumberger said that it is important to solve the destiny of journalists who disappeared in the municipality of Orahovac and he condemned any form of attack on media workers.

„Journalism profession deserves a great respect. It is said that after 16 years nothing is known about them. Such crimes happen everywhere in the world, unfortunately. Yesterday a journalist was killed in Iraq, which is also very sad", said Schlumberger.

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