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25. 08. 2014

Actors demand copyright protection

Nis, 25.8.2014. (Tanjug) - Head of the Serbian actors' association Nikola Djuricko said Monday that actors will demand amendments to the copyright law that would extend legal protection on artists whose performance is visual and not just acoustic.

Djuricko made this announcement at a round table on the topic 'How to enforce minimum rights that restore dignity to the acting profession?'

The debate took place in the central Serbian city of Nis, which currently hosts a film festival focusing on acting performances.

Actors voiced their support to Djuricko in the debate, and backed his idea to organize a series of events across the country dedicated to changes to the copyright law.

Film director and member of the Serbian parliament Srdjan Dragojevic promised to put his efforts into correcting the mistake and help create the preconditions for the protection of rights of artists as authors and performers.

Article 117 of the Serbian Law on Copyright and Related Rights states that performers are entitled to remuneration for the performances published "on a sound carrier".

The proposed amendments to the law would correct this anomaly and envisage remuneration for the performances recorded on visual carriers as well.

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