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16. 06. 2014


Media Coalition (NUNS, UNS, NDNV, ANEM, LOCAL PRESS) invites all interested high-school and university students between 16 and 25 yeas of age to enter the contest "Do Not Let Them Spin You".

Those who wish to participate should film a video not longer than 90 seconds on the topic of media literacy. 

The candidates should present their own view of media, media reporting, breach of journalism rules, media spinning* of the public or they should use video to impart the message to information recipients on how they should view the media.

 Inspiration can be found in TV spots of the Campaign for Media Literacy:

 and in other TV and radio spots of the campaign available on our YouTube channel.

Submitted video clips will be posted on the Facebook page facebook.com/MedijskiPismeno where voting for the best video material will be organized. The contest participants who receives the biggest number of „likes" will get a tablet computer.

Voting on the Facebook page starts on June 15 and lasts till July 15, 2014.

How can you enter the contest?

Film a video no longer than 90 seconds and post it on YouTube. Submit the URL of your video in the application on the Facebook page facebook.com/MedijskiPismeno, fill in the application form and your video will be posted.

General conditions

*Spin is a manipulation that makes persons, events or products much better (or much worse) than they really are. In spin, one uses half-truths, not lies. Spin literally means: to spin a story or information so that your view, as information recipient, is turned in the desired direction of those who impart the information.

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