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18. 11. 2014

Two suspects held for attacking B92 building

18.11.2014. (B92) - BELGRADE -- Two men - 24-year-old D.M. and 30-year-old A.Č. - have been arrested and will be held for 48 hours on suspicion that they participated in a Sept. 28 incident.

They are suspected of committing criminal acts that include violence during a sporting or public gathering, causing general danger, attacking an official person on duty, and illegal possession, manufacturing, trading, and carrying of weapons and explosives, said the Serbian Interior Ministry (MUP).

The police searched the apartment of A.Č. and found ammunition of various calibers in his possession without appropriate license.

The police also said they will continue work to identify other persons who took part in the incident when a group of some 30 hooligans attacked the building housing the B92 broadcaster and the police securing it, injuring two officers.

The Belgrade Pride gay parade was held on this day with several more incidents taking place in the city.


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