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25. 12. 2014

Cheaper phone calls with BiH, Macedonia, Montenegro

25.12.2014 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Serbian citizens will be able to enjoy cheaper phone calls with Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, as the prices of the services will gradually decrease in the next three years, Director of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) Milan Jankovic said on Thursday.

RATEL decided to gradually reduce the roaming charges for the transmission of speech, text messages and data to Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the next three years, all in line with EU directives. Jankovic said in a live broadcast on Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS).

The proposal is to decrease the prices of roaming services by June 30 every year because of the tourist season, and the first adjustment is expected to happen in June 2015, he added.

hat mobile providers are also expected to start using 4D technologies as of early May next year, which will ensure a faster data transmission.

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