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10. 01. 2015

Novi Sad citizens honour victims of terror attack in Paris

10.1.2015 (Tanjug) - NOVI SAD - Citizens of Novi Sad honoured the victims of the terrorist attack on the editorial of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo by lighting candles at the Freedom Square on Friday night.

The protest gathering was organised by the Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists, and journalists and citizens used their candles to write 'Je suis Charlie' next to the monument honouring Svetozar Miletic.

Association President Dinko Gruhonjic told Tanjug that in this way, journalists and citizens of Novi Sad wanted to express their solidarity with journalists and people of France.

We want to condemn the mindless terrorist act which, apart from being a brutal murder, also constitutes a shot at the freedom of expression as one of the fundamental human rights, Gruhonjic said.

The protest was also attended by members of the government of the northern Serbian province Miroslav Vasin and Branislav Bugarski.

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