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20. 01. 2015

EP's S&D Group puts spotlight on media freedom

20.1.2015 (Tanjug, B92) - BRUSSELS -- The Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament has "welcomed Serbia's progress in the EU integration process."

However, the group at the same time said it was "concerned over violations of freedom of the media."

Victor Bostinaru, the vice-chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats responsible for foreign policy, said in a release after Monday's presentation of a draft progress report on Serbia before the EP's Foreign Affairs Committee that the opening of entry talks is a proof of Serbia's progress along the EU path.

"However, there are particularly serious concerns about the deterioration of freedom of the press in Serbia since the arrival of the new government. The authorities have to create and ensure a favorable environment where media can operate freely," Bostinaru said, noting that freedom of the media is under the spotlight in all the enlargement countries.

"The authorities have to create and ensure a favorable environment where media can operate freely," he said, adding that the S&D Group is "worried about the important discrepancy in Serbia's alignment with the EU foreign policy."

Gianni Pittella, the chair of this second largest group in the EP, said in his release that all candidate countries should continue and accelerate their efforts to apply the EU acquis.

"Additional efforts must be made to implement reforms, particularly in the area of the judiciary, the rule of law, freedom of expression, rights of minorities and the fight against corruption. In some cases the lack of progress in EU accession risks of undermining the effectiveness of EU conditionality and declining in democratic standards," he said.


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