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26. 01. 2015

Media situation affects accession talks

26.1.2015 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Media Vice President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament Tanja Fajon has said that the media situation in Serbia would have an impact on the opening of the first chapters in the accession talks between Serbia and the EU.

Research shows that the media environment in Serbia is bad for journalist work, as indicated by numerous verbal and physical assaults on reporters, as well as the fact that there is limited room for objective, professional and analytical journalism, she told the daily Danas from Serbia, adding that she had pointed it out multiple times and was still concerned over the issue.

Belgrade is expected to adopt adequate and modern laws that will be implemented and followed, as well as for all the segments of society that can influence the media in any way to act responsibly, she stressed.

The European Parliament is watching closely the situation in SErbia, especially when it comes to the media, she said when asked if the media situation could have an effect on the opening of the first chapters of the accession talks.

When it comes to chapters 23 and 24 (judiciary, basic human rights and justice, freedom and security), which refer to human rights, the battle against corruption, security, efficient judiciary and general rule of law, it is all connected with the media and freedom of expression, she noted, adding that therefore she believed the media situation in Serbia definitely had an influence on opening those first chapters and Serbia's EU integration in general.

New Party: Free media prerequisite for EU entry

The New Party claims that Serbia's EU prospects are in jeopardy because of the situation in the media, stressing that free media are a prerequisite for the country's EU accession.

It is clear that the first chapters that should be opened in Serbia's EU entry talks-Chapters 23 and 24 (on judiciary, fundamental human rights, rule of law, security) are directly related to the media and freedom of expression, says the New Party.

In its release, the New Party pointed to the statement by Tanja Fajon, the vice chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament responsible for the media, who said the media situation in Serbia has an effect on the opening of the first chapters in the country's EU accession talks.

The New Party notes that the Serbian media environment is unfavorable, that there is no sound critical conscience, journalists are facing verbal and physical assaults, and the media are working under pressure from the current government, which are all reasons because of which the country can hardly expect to open the chapters soon.

The government led by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic is entirely responsible for such a media landscape, the New Party says.

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