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10. 02. 2015

Albanian protesters from Kosovo attack Tanjug cameraman

10.2.2015. (Tanjug) - BRUSSELS - Demonstrators from Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), who are protesting against the Belgrade -Pristina dialogue in Brussels, attacked on Monday a Tanjug cameraman when he tried to record them.

The attack took place when Tanjug's news crew approached a group of around 30 Kosovo Albanians who were protesting at Schuman Square.

Tanjug's reporters introduced themselves and asked whether someone would like to give a statement as to why they gathered and what they were protesting against.

In reply to this, one protester came forward without any particular reason and slapped cameraman Marko Trosic, thus cutting his lip.

Other protesters then restrained the attacker.

The Belgian police, who saw the attack, advised the Tanjug crew to get out of there, and told the cameraman that he could press charges against the attacker, if he wanted to.

This is Brussels, we are not used to such things, a police inspector told Tanjug.

Protesters were carrying Albanian flags and banners reading "Hands off Trepca", "Enough of Serbia's hegemony", and "Our rights are non-negotiable".

Ethnic Albanians from KiM are protesting outside the building in which a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations should begin on Monday evening, facilitated by the new European foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini.


Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has condemned an attack on a Tanjug cameraman by ethnic Albanians from Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) that occurred during a protest they staged in Brussels Monday.

"I expect the Belgian police to do their job," Vucic told reporters after a meeting with European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn in Brussels yesterday.

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