15. 05. 2015
Danas's reporting most balanced, Mediameter survey says
15.5.2015. (Tanjug) - The Danas daily has the most balanced approach in its reports, while ALO is the "least balanced", say the results of the first Quarterly Mediameter analysis of Serbian dailies, unveiled on Friday.
The Danas daily has the most balanced approach in its reports, while ALO is the "least balanced", say the results of the first Quarterly Mediameter analysis of Serbian dailies, unveiled on Friday.
The survey, undertaken jointly by the Public Policy Institute, the Ebart Media Archive and media experts, and based on front pages published by the Blic, Politika, Vecernje novosti, Danas, Kurir, Informer and ALO dailies, was presented at a press conference.
ALO and Blic front pages feature the most topics conceived by their editorial teams, the Mediameter said (in what was no reference to investigative journalism, but to editorial policy), noting that Politika and Vecernje novosti have the least such reports.
Politika and Vecernje novosti feature more topics on the economy, while national political affairs are the priority topic for the other dailies.
As far as Serbia's European integration is concerned, the survey indicates that the topic is no priority for the dailies.
Serbian political life is the most significant topic and was featured in 305 headlines in the analysed dailies, with the economy ranked second and government activities in third.

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