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20. 03. 2007


The Robert Bosch Stiftung and ERSTE Foundation announced on 19 March 2007 the launch of a new fellowship programme for young journalists in the Balkans. To be run in cooperation with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, the initiative will each year give ten reporters the chance to research in-depth articles for a special publication.

As the Balkan news media increasingly need to cover complex reform issues with regional and Europe-wide dimensions, this programme aims to foster quality reporting, regional networking among journalists and balanced coverage on topics that are central to the region as well as to the European Union.

Journalists under the age of 35 from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania or Serbia, are encouraged to submit research proposals on this year's theme - MOBILITY.

The proliferation of borders and barriers to movement of people, goods, capital, services, information and ideas, both among Balkan countries and vis-à-vis the EU, stifles development, creates frustration, slows regional reconciliation and cooperation, and isolates the region from Europe and its values. This calls for original and important journalistic research into the impact of such obstacles on political, economic or social issues.

Ten fellows will be chosen on the basis of research proposals, which should include plans for cross-border research within the Balkan region and European Union member states, drawing on examples of cooperation or lack thereof, making comparisons and highlighting know-how.

They will participate in the fellowship programme, which features an introductory seminar in Vienna, supervision and mentoring from local editors, individual research trips to another country of the region and the EU, and a concluding seminar and award ceremony in Berlin.

Successful applicants will receive a fellowship of 2000 Euros and a travel allowance of up to 2000 Euros, while the programme's selection committee, composed of local and European journalists and experts, will award one fellow with an individually-tailored opportunity for further professional development, to the value of 8000 euros.

Fellowship reports will be published at the end of the year, and
disseminated widely in all local languages, English and German.

Applications must be received no later than 27 April 2007.
Application forms and guidelines are available at

Robert Bosch Stiftung
Established in 1964, the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH is one of the major German foundations associated with a private company. It represents the philanthropic and social endeavours of founder Robert Bosch (1861-1942) and fulfils his legacy in a contemporary manner. The Robert Bosch Stiftung works predominantly in the fields of International Relations, Health and Education.

ERSTE Foundation
ERSTE Foundation is the direct successor to the savings association bank `Erste Oesterreichische Spar-Casse`, founded in Vienna in 1819. Drawing from the tradition of savings banks founded as enterprises for the common good, ERSTE Foundation began its activities in 2005. As the main shareholder of Erste Bank, ERSTE Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Europe. It is active in the entire Central and South Eastern European region, focusing its work on three programmes - Social Responsibility, Culture and Europe.

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
BIRN is a network of non-governmental organisations working with Balkan journalists to produce stimulating reporting on European-oriented reform. Its member organisations throughout the region run a range of training and public debate projects to enhance the capacity and impact of analytical and investigative journalism. Together, they produce Balkan Insight, the leading publication covering the region's path to Europe.

For more information contact:
Anna McTaggart
Fellowship Programme Manager
ul. Gospodar Jovanova 81
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel.: +381 (0)11/328-7080
Fax: +381 (0)11/2622-328

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